Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Downloading WebDriver jars & configuring in eclipse.

The latest version of selenium web driver is 3.x. To use Selenium 3.0x the minimum requirement is JAVA8+. If we are using Selenium 3.x then you can use Mozilla latest version. If it’s failing to load Mozilla latest version then use latest – 1 version of Mozilla.
To download web driver jars, open the selenium official site (, go to Download section, Under JAVA click on download link to download the .zip file.
Once you download the .zip file, Extract the .zip file & keep it in your workspace directory. If you open the extracted folder then you can see lib folder where all the dependency jars are present.

How to configure Webdriver with Eclipse?
Follow the below steps to configure web driver with eclipse:
Ø  Open eclipse > Right Click on Package Explorer > New > Java Project > Insert the project name Test_Selenium_Practice> Click on Finish button.
Now you can see a Project created in the eclipse.
Ø  Right Click on the project (Test_Selenium_Practice) > click on Build Path > Configure Build Path
In the pop up Click on Add External JARs

Ø  Browse the directory where you have extracted the Selenium JARs > Select the “client-combined-3.4.0-nodeps.jar” file > Click on Open.
Ø  Again, Click on Add External JARs > Browse the directory > Open lib > Select All .jar files > Click on Open > Click on OK.

Once, all the required .jar files added, in the project directory you can see a folder known as “Referenced Libraries” as shown below:

Now, you have downloaded the Selenium JARs & configured with Eclipse. After this you can use selenium. 


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