Friday, 10 March 2017

Running multiple test suites through testng.xml file

Till now we have implemented the SignIn & Registration work flow & able to run the test suites individually. But practically we need to run all the test suites from a single file. To run multiple test suites, we can add the testns.xml file & will pass all the test suites inside the testng.xml file.
  • Download the testng.xml file from here.
  • Copy the testng.xml file inside src/test/resources.
  • Right click on testng.xml file > Run As > TestNG Suite & verify the result. It should run the SignIn Test 1st after completion it will open another browser & will execute the RegistrationTest as well.

From the above screen shot you can see both the test suites executed one after another. Also you can open the .html report to verify the results/logs.

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  1. Hello Swaraj,
    The Article on Running multiple test suites through testng.xml file is nice give detail information about it.Thanks for Sharing the information about testing suites. Software Testing Company

    1. Hello DevRabbit IT Solutions Inc.,
      Thanks for your comments. Could you please let me know the problem you have faced so that I can try to resolve the same.

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